Previously i had my sis as my alarm clock...and she's one freaking good live alarm clock...she will be shouting at me til i get irritated and wake up...her voice is so sharp and loud...deaf also can hear sial(err i mean hear d become deaf)...she's far more effective than putting 10 alarm clocks beside you...but at times she sounds like Donald Duck lol...

here's my live alarm clock
Now i have my gal...but it's still very hard for me to get my lazy butt(not only butt...i mean whole body)off my NOT-SO-COMFORTABLE bed...(yeah sunway bed SUX)...kinda old i have to say...but well for me it doesn't really long as i can lie will last me til the next morning...backache?that's belakang first...later only settle's true that prevention is better than cure...but damn lazy may have 1001 ways to prevent but u only have one way to cure...why wanna trouble yourself?choose cure la...simple...only one way...settle everything...
*Well have to say sorry to my dear...for being so damn fucking lazy for the past few days...i think because i never sleep early that's why can't wake up...(or is it a disease in my unit?cause my housemates they also wake up dammn late...around evening lol)...Hai~ i'm so disappointed of myself...and not only that...i disappoint u as well....sorry my dear...sorry a million times doesn't make any difference...i shall prove it to you...i promised i will change *
(This is for specially for you you always)
wanna know who my girl is?find out yourself...not gonna tell you...unless you guys already know...then if you know i also no need to tell d
Oh man gosh...i am posting a diary entry...but hey not really's kinda good way to share my ideas and feelings...although it sounds kinda lame and gay but please forgive me...
I forgive you.
Forgiven too..
basket tsu ballz u
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