Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Logic Test



6、抽Pall Mall 香煙的人養鳥  
7、黃色房子主人抽Dunhill 香煙  
9、 挪威人住第一間房  
11、養馬的人住抽Dunhill 香煙的人隔壁  
12、抽Blue Master的人喝啤酒  


English Version
Albert Einstein set out this riddle during the 20th century. He said there's 98% of the people in this world cannot solve out this riddle. Some company make use of this IQ test(riddle) during interview, to test the interviewee's IQ. But now we can't conclude that the fact that how psychotic the company can be, to test the IQ of interviewee. If you're the one getting the test, can you solve it?

1.In one street, there's 5 houses and each of them are painted with 5 different colour
2.Each house live a person of different nationality
3.Each of them consume different drink, smoke cigaratte of different brand and rare different pet.
The question is: Who rares fish?

1.An English man stay in a Red house
2.Swedish rare Dog
3.Danish drink Tea
4.Green house located on the left side of the White house
5.The owner of the Green house drinks coffee
6.The person who smoke Pall Mall rare Bird
7.The person staying in the Yellow house smoke Dunhill
8.The person staying at the centre drinks milk
9.Norwegian stay in the first house
10.The person who smoke Blends stay beside the person who rares Cat
11.The person who rare horse stay beside the person who smoke Dunhill
12.The one who smoke Blue Master also drinks beer
13.German smoke Prince
14.Norwegian stay beside a blue house
15.The person who smoke Blends has a neighbour who drinks water

The above is the riddle set out by Einstein. He said 98% of us can't solve the riddle.
Can you solve it?

Well sorry about the language above...maybe there's some direct translation but i tried my best already...i used around 20mins to solve it out...how long will you use?

It's not that difficult actually...just need to use your brain abit and logic...so make sure you fall into the 2% category and not the 98% category. TRY IT...GOOD LUCK


Anonymous said...

German rear Fish

TsuChong said...

They all lived in the same house far far away in a place called barney's playground.

Happily ever after of course.

This make me the 0.00001% of the world coz nobody give such answer.

Thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

the fish rares barney

erhern/ernie said...

WAT THE FUCK is that tsuchong..lauwe...ur account exam..they ask u draw up account you go write essay la...

Anonymous said...

we all know how he failed

Anonymous said...

that was me.

Anonymous said...

It sounds like someone will get the answer that German has a "pet" (fish). However, we don't have enough information to ensure that it is "fish" or other anamial. It could be any kind pet under German.