Thursday, November 01, 2007


Have u ever heard of LCC?not bad word k?it's not something's Leo Charity was held in Ping Ming Primary School on the 26th of October...every year i heard people said it's fun it's a lot of people...what the hell...i only know 3 or 4 people out of those who present...

I entered quite early...illegally sneak in hehe...with my gf...huh?charity?it's just something from the bottom of my heart...sincerity is the most important factor...not just's only 10 bux though...not that material...

well one of the my gf's so called twins

well there's 1 performance that really caught my attention...they are much much better than professional dancers i have to say...they're known as the D2X...(dance to the extreme)...D2X(2 different link)

i never record their performance...i was totally stunned...temporarily paralyze...amazed by their moves...THEY ROCK!!!

well i'm just telling the truth...the concert SUX(BORED TO THE MAX)...the name is absolutely's just some Lan Chi** Concert...everything is like so unorganised...the people who dance and sing...errr not very good though(except D2X)...i leave before it ends...cause it sux!!!and a lot of thing really annoyed me...especially...
1.LALAs are everywhere!!!left right front back...what the fuck is happening to this world..??
2.Small kids nowadays really flirt like shit ballz...
3.They are much much more childish compared to our times...
4.again...LALAs are everywhere...that's what ANNOYED ME THE MOST...FUCK IT LALAs


jein said...

Hee.. its supposed to be clone.. Not twins.. =p

erhern/ernie said...

haha sorry jein...mistaken...but it still almost the same

Anonymous said...

yeah man, whats happening to this world... haih