Guess what exam is coming...just a few days more (dont even dare to count) haha n im stil repeating the same quote (exam is coming)...die die hahaha dont even think of studying...Recently things happening around me...had really made me crazy...
hahaha so i decided to do something really stupid i motivate myself n get into the study mood...(KIDS DONT TRY THIS AT HOME...THIS IS DAMN STUPID)
1.Putting up a notice (DO NOT DISTURB) outside my door...well my parents still dont seems to understand and often disturb me(wtf)...thank god my sis is not at home(went for holiday)...really thank god man...if not i have to babysit her at home...that time...lagi no mood wanna study...hehehe

2.SEAL my tv...well dont ask me why i have to do this...the tv and game console in my room is really fingers are often itchy...and need meditation(play game) the words - STUDY HARD...haha can this work??Guess so...better this make myself realise that i must study

3.ADDING NEW FURNITURE(computer table) to provide me a better study environment...hahahaha this is most appropriate to described as GE XIAO...

haha at another point of view...a better view of my room...although it's a bit small(or shall i say very small...but it's ok for a bachelor(or shall i mean not ok)as we can see...there's my game console,tv, laptop n speaker and speakers...haha my room will be perfect if there's wireless conncection,and a boiler(to make my favourite drinks)errrr about the dressing's not mine...i am not that gay ok?

Viewers, DO YOU THINK MY ROOM IS SMALL???AND LIKE JUNK YARD???guess guys' rooms are all like that heh...always busy doing "other stuff",no time for cleaning up...for me i think my room is small but compact...haha just a few things left then i would be damn satisfied...
Oh ya another thing...I would be glad if you guys n gals leave some comment here...
1 comment:
yes your room is small but compact BUT u tidy up everything before you took that picure hehe! Try seeing it beyond the picture. I've seen more...
I better not talk so much, my room is as messy as yours
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