Our Training Ground, at Bukit Serindit...last time was at the Rugby Field...but some bastard mother fucker always wanna play there at around 6.15 and take over our place, so we switched here...they say that they book the place...(weird) it's a public facility but the bastards say they booked it......

Own made goal post...usually 4-5 steps,depending on the number of players(without goalkeeper, but usually sure got people stand in front of the goal and become keeper, just without using hands)

Stand - for players to rest and put their stuff...

Motor Park

Car Park

Our Jersey

Umbro Jersey(Why Umbro?Cheap lo...)

E.H.OOI 24...walao they also dont know how to agak...people will say "EH! Ooi!"(Fuck)

New Training Ball(my ball,bought from Leroy...hard,nice,easy to control)...I think all new balls are about this standard now
Well I still dont know why i havent break into the 1st Team squad of 5H...i think because I too lousy...and I still dont know what name our team is (sad though)...
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