1.Firstly my birthday is early, and
2.i had motor license as well..
I'm sure all of you know bout the procedures on how to get a license...i passed both of my license at the first attempt...(cool rite?but actually it's all about bribery so it ain't that cool...)Alot of people sure 'bosong' for what i did...but our nations and our government is nothing but bribery...BS - Bribe and Settle or no Bribe n Saman...kononnya wanna curb RASUAH...but i still see a lot people doing it...those ah bengs and mat rempits who beat the traffic rules...there's no way our nation can improve with all this going on...we will always be behind other nations..."FOLLOWING their FOOTSTEPS"...when they start using mp3 player to listen to music,we Malaysian start buying walkman...which i believe they did that few years ago
we will discuss on our government in some other ways then...So back to my topic today - NO MORE P license
The procedures for getting a license is all about learning...paying that's what it means for L n P...L is for learning/lembu as you can see all the learners wil drive below 50km/h...the n P stands for PAID...which means u already bribe...or they are satisfied with your payments on your few attempts on test...
First you must attend a kuliah to hear crap...which i dont think everyone will follow...if they will then there will be no accidents and no summonses...RULES ARE MEANT TO BE BROKEN...that's what everyone is thinking
Then you must learn/do practical...for motor i just learn 2 hours and he signed for me 8 hours...car is also the same...i only learned 8 hours buy in paper i learned around 14 hours...
Final part - Test...pay and pass or pay and pay and pass...hardly got people pass at the first attempt without bribing...

it's kinda stupid the way they intorduce this SMART card...they should name it the JPJ STUPID card...i don't remember taking it out from my wallet at all after i receive the card...what's the use of it in the first place?i pay 10 bux for this STUPID card for no reason...f**K

Then here it is...my ugly L license...that time i was just after my classes...but thank god when i was there there were nobody...i mean those who taking test...obviously the person in charged will be there...i don't know why a lot of people will have to wait from 8 til 2 to sit for the undang test...mine just have2 wait 5 minutes...damn it...n this license also have to pay 10 bux for my photo to be taken...fuck sial...i can wash how many passport size photo d damn it...

Next is my P license...haha get it after i pass my motor test...and the probationary period they combine my motor and car together...which is an advantage for me...cause i will finish my probation earlier than a lot of my friends :p

ok i just got this license renewed this month...notice that you don't need to change your photo...as long as you give your photo and PAY then ok...no problem d...the process of making this license is only 1 minute...or less not sure...i need not wait long for it...but 1 thing very stupid...you can renew your license for 1 year,2 years or 3 years...but the payment is still the same...30,60 n 90...so which one would you prefer?if you renew 3 years then your traffic points kena minus finish d...then they untung...if you renew 3 years then you forget bout your license renewal after 4 years...then you have to retake from the beginning...they untung also...but it can save your trouble,going JPJ once in 3 years instead of once every year

P can be removed from my windscreen...which is very cool...a lot of advantages of NO P...example can drink A LITTLE and drive...YEAH!!