Friday, April 06, 2007


hey everyone, notice some changes in my blog?

1.the background color had changed from black to the gayish light orange
2.the title had changed to a lame-r type...ERNIE's LAME WORLD...ernie is the name my mum's friend gave it to me when i'm still a baby...they said it's think so...?????i've always been wondered whether to use it as my christian name or not...cause it seems really gay...and make me look like the ERNIE from the SESAME STREET
3.lame background music...but don't know u guys can hear anot...

I had been cracking my head these days to think of a perfect nick for myself...something sounds gay but not gay...sounds cool but not too cool...not so sensitive as well like SCREW MY ASS which is not the one i like...

BITCH HITCHER sound nice but sensitive

hai~don't really know what nick will suit me best...any ideas??

my current gay and lame blog will last til i found my perfect nick..CHEERS and enjoy in my lame world

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