So, this is my 1st baby Acer Aspire 5542, fully equip with gears just like the soldiers below, ready for war...

but my baby is only ready for WORK and GAMES...work in terms of being a music station...

So now its time to introduce the GEARS...this is a usb powered fan, to blow myself of course...but most of the time i used it to blow the opening at the side of the laptop where heat is release...its quite nice as the fan will change colour, but it's fucking noisy and annoying...

This is the bass of e1I00(dont really know it is anot...but i think should be correct la

Then this is the 2 small speaker ,well although it's small but the sound quality is just as good as the big 1...(well it cost me RM185 during the PC fair in Melaka)

Then i went to the PC Fair in Terminal One,Seremban on the 15th of December with my friend and grab some stuff back but of course my wallet hurts again (DAMN!!)

This is one of the stuff i bought there, Cooler Pad,well not expensive after all...made of Acrylic,has 2 fan at the speed of 3200rpm and powered through USB port...and it is almost soundless or should i say NOISELESS!!!

This 1GB USB thumbdrive only cost RM51...it's damn small and cheap!!!

I also bought a mic there...to make fun of people...be sure not to be my victim...BEWARE OF MIC
i think it's time for me to get a new mouse
ONE LAST QUESTION - Why must everything be in blue?speaker light blue,fan light blue,cooler pad light blue,mouse also blue...SO GAY MAN...
1 comment:
blue is gay meh? then red not gay ah? pink??
haha...my laptop is my babe too...
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